Free online webinar about emotion and relationship on July 9 2022
Host by Pathways clubhouse
Part I: Free Online Talk
Time: 1:00 p.m. – 2:30 p.m.
Join Zoom Meeting:
Meeting ID: 826 7367 1044
Guest Speaker: Jenny Hsu, M.C. R.C.C.
Topic: Emotion and Relationship
(Presented in Mandarin with Cantonese interpretation)
Have you ever wondered where your anger came from when interacting with others, especially your loved one? Do you have a hard time expressing your emotion? Do you find yourself falling into the same pattern with people? Feeling and emotions give us a clue about how we feel and respond in a certain way. Over time, it shapes how we think about ourselves and others. In this workshop, the speaker will discuss emotion and how it relates to our relationship with our early childhood caregiver and our intimate relationship from the angle of the attachment-based approach. By the end of the workshop, you will learn about your attachment style: why you feel and react in a certain way to your loved ones, such as anger, lash out, withdrawal, and stonewalling, and how it affects how you think of yourself and others.
登入Zoom 會議 ID:826 7367 1044
講員: 徐萱芳 (註冊臨床心理諮商師RCC)
Jenny HSU, M.C. R.C.C.
題目: 情緒管理與人際關係 (國語講座、粵語翻譯)